Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Anchor's on air mammogram leads to cancer diagnosis

My first co-anchor did this too. To encourage women to participate in exams she had her mammogram on TV. So did my twitter buddy @NeileJones, as she wrote about here in loop.

But I always feared one of the women would find out bad news. I mean it so easily could have been me.

As it happened I am kind private about medical stuff (though I guess this blog contradicts that) but I was so glad I lost my job just a few weeks before my DX. This I needed to do in private.

I have no problem giving talks for BC groups, but this would be hard for me.

Best of luck to her!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hilarious! "Hot Guys" App Promotes Self-Exams

Good goin' Canada!

I know some of you will hate this, I know breast cancer is serious business, but I this is hilarious!

The wicked lades up north at ReThink Breast Cancer came up with an oh-so-memorable and genuinely funny way to promote regular self-exams.