In the year following by breast cancer diagnosis this site was a big priority for me. I was an out of work journalist, I really believed that there was a place for a digital hub for breast cancer news, writing, and social connections.
There probably still is.
But as my health improved there were chances to go back to my career as a local news anchor and reporter. I also started my own business that has nothing to do with cancer.
Someday the tools to create the perfect website for breast cancer will be affordable. When Deb and I took meetings the cost was daunting to do what we wanted.
At somepoint I switched to a snappier domain,
Today I realized that March 8th someone else bought up that domain. They started their own site, which has plenty of videos. Whatever.
Honestly stealing a web domain from a cancer patient is kind of cruddy karma.
To be honest I am annoyed but not crushed. I kind of saw my will to consistently write about BC slip away.
In November, I attended the Breast Cancer Research Foundations excellent symposium, and the next day I got so busy with work I never had time to write a post. I still have the press releases in my bag.
So I'll still check in here from time to time, I will still tweet and retweet on Twitter where I seem to have a larger audience.