Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Worth a read! Survivor reflects on mammogram controversy

I could easily fill Loop with nothing but news of the mammogram controversy. I actually try to be quite picky about the articles though, because since most of us already have cancer, the debate can be exhausting and frustrating.
But I do suggest reading this next article by Sarah Crompton.

   At first it just seemed to be a simple piece of good news: a new report "proves" that Britain's breast cancer screening is effective at saving lives. "Hurrah!" you thought. "One less thing to worry about." But then, euphoria was replaced with confusion as scientists bandied around statistics that back entirely contrary positions.
   Eighteen months ago, my eyes would have glazed over. Like most women, I would have shoved the entire thing to the back of my mind, as unlikely to be relevant to me. But now I shout at the radio with the assurance of an expert. Because 18 months ago I had invasive breast cancer diagnosed, and in the course of my treatment I discovered just how slippery and difficult those statistics can be – yet what a huge amount of difference they make to women's lives.
(read more from the Telegraph)

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