Monday, April 26, 2010

My favorite article ever

I've never met Katherine Russel Rich in person, but I love her.  If you have breast cancer, if you don't have breast cancer, if you have a pulse --I encourage you to read her essay in the New York Times(link).

I will admit, I have personally been going through a dark time. I never imagined that pain and medical appointments would fill up much of my "dance card" 6 months after surgery. I started this blog with the hope that Deb and I could inspire women to live great lives despite breast cancer. These days, I have to think twice about typing. The great irony is that I am one of the lucky ones. My cancer appears to be gone. Unfortunately my carefree, fun-loving existence disappeared with the tumor.

After a day of traipsing in the cold rain from the hospital, to the acupuncturist, to the pharmacy, I opened up my computer to write something sarcastic. When you are in too much pain to hold an umbrella, it is hard to see the silver lining in the clouds. Then I read Rich's lovely article. It is a powerful reminder that life still can hold adventure and wonder, even when the challenges seem daunting.

The web site KRR refers to is where a woman can find a lot of support. Her words do a perfect job of describing the poignant mix of hope and loss that women in this community experience.

Photo from

1 comment:

  1. Very moving article. Like you, I have pain and way too many doctors appointments, tests, and treatments that take a toll on my attitude. I told a friend recently that sometimes I feel like I'm alive, but not really "living" because of my pain and exhaustion. I can't do many of the same things I could, but I'm happy to have a smaller, ordinary life with my kids.

    I agree with you, Katherine has a lovely way with balancing hope and loss. Something to strive for!!!!
