Friday, April 9, 2010

Why he walks: Leonard's loving legacy

This time of year there are many profiles of people participating in breast cancer  fund raising walks. It's exciting because I am looking forward to Loop having great events to cover, but sometimes they  profiles can kind of sound similar.
This Leonard Pitts column from the Baltimore Sun is exceptional.  It is so touching and well written. Those of you involved in Komen or Avon or ACS walks may want to share it with your teammates.

On April 15, it will be 22 years since she died.
I remember getting home from photocopying some paper I needed to complete my taxes, only to find my wife facing me with eyes so stricken and bereft that I didn't need to hear the words. I knew.
We rushed out to my sister's house, went into the room, and there it was: the shriveled husk that until that day had contained my mom. I left the room at a trot, hand to mouth, the world blurred by tears.

(read more from the Baltimore sun)

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